Another Example of the Liberal Party Spinelessness and Betrayal [Updated – Morrison belatedly firms support for Deves]

In a previous post I pointed out that when push comes to shove the Liberal Party will cave to the Twitter mob and the left media on matters important to its base. No better example of this is Scott Morrison’s capitulation to the left media on support for Katherine Deves the Liberal candidate for the seat of Warringah. For those who my not have heard of Katherine Deves she is the  co-founder of Save Women’s Sport … Read more

Senator Kitching Bullying Allegations: Where are Brittney Higgins, Grace Tame and Their Supporters?

There has been noticeable silence in some corners about Senator Kitching’s allegations of bullying by the Labor Party “mean girls”. I have heard no public statement from Ms Higgins and Tame or their supporters about this shocking example of alleged bullying, the need for a Labor Party investigation and the cavilier dismissal of the allegations by Anthony Albanese. The silence reveals these so called champions of respect and dignity for women in the work place for what they really are; self promoting , virtue signalling activists of the left. They are only interest in publicly advocating for women when it can be weaponised against the political right and particularly the Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

We Deplorables Said the Swedish Approach Was Sensible and We Were Right.

From the start of the Covid pandemic there were some immunologists, public health officials, experts in public health and virus researchers who were aghast at the panicked response from the medical establishment and politicians. They questioned why well established and historically proven public health responses to respiratory viruses were thrown out the window, and instead mask mandates, restrictions on public movement and lockdowns were adopted as the only response considered “scientific”. Even some of us lay persons knew that not only were these policy responses irrational and wrong but would cause long term health and economic harm. But one nation and one health bureaucracy had it right.

Solar and Wind is a Lot More Expensive Than Gas – Even the EPA Agrees

Quote: The Department of Environmental Protection, which is mulling new regulations for boiler permits, said in a rule proposal unveiled in December that electric boilers would cost between 4.2% and 4.9% more to operate than their gas counterparts. But a correction issued by the agency Tuesday said running electric boilers would cost between 4.2 and 4.9 times more than their fossil fuel equivalents.

New Survey to Justify Gender and Sexual Diversity Propaganda in Kindergarten to Year 12.

Keep an eye out for this study being used by the LGBTQI+ activists to justify including gender and sexual diversity education (i.e. gender propaganda and child grooming) into government school curriculums. The study, published in the Journal of Sex Education, was the subject of an article on the left-wing Conversation website. The study and the Conversation article make the highly improbable claim that, on average, 4 in 5 parents (82%) of parent respondents support gender and sexuality diversity inclusion as part of the relationships and sexual health curriculum from kindergarten through to year 12 I found this result so improbable that I looked at the details of the survey. I am no statistician, but looking at the study a number of problems are readily apparent.

The Covid Risks Don’t Justify the Hysteria

John Tierney writing in the City Journal on 6 February lays out the the real odds of dying from Covid 19. If you are under 65, vaccinated and healthy, your odds of dying of Covid 19 are roughly the same as dying in a fire or from falling down stairs and less than the odds of dying in an earthquake or from being stuck by lighting.