Liberal politicians are people of their word… and that word is untrustworthy
Who are the Liberal Party’s ideal votes? People who believe that invertebrates are the best type of animals.
Why don’t Liberal Party members of parliament get into fights? They don’t believe in anything worth fighting for.
They say that Liberal politicians are spineless. That not true! Snakes definitely have spines.
Why are Liberal politicians always sitting down? Because they don’t stand for anything.
Heh, did you hear that the Liberal Party hired a joke writer to write the “Our Beliefs” page on their website.
Why do surgeons like operating on Liberal politician? Because they are gutless, spineless and have no nerves.
Say “I believe in nothing” three times really fast. “Liberal. Liberal. Liberal”
What is the difference between a jellyfish and a Liberal politician? One does not have a spine the other lives in oceans and rivers.
Why does the Liberal Party release their policy statements after the Labor Party and the Greens? Because before then they don’t know what their policies are.
What is the difference between a Labor politician and Liberal politician? One support left wing and green policies, the other is a member of the Labor Party.
Are Liberal Party MPs stupid? They dumped a conservative party leader and elected a party leader endorsed by journalists from the ABC, The Age, The Guadian, and Crikey. What do you think?