Solar and Wind is a Lot More Expensive Than Gas – Even the EPA Agrees

Via PowerlIne Blog

A core axiom of “green energy” is that it is actually cheaper than fossil fuels, because “the wind and sunlight are free…..In fact I am unaware of any jurisdiction that has deployed a large amount of renewables and experienced a decline in costs. (See Ben Zycher’s copious refutation of this nonsense here.)

The newest drive of the green energy climatistas is to outlaw natural gas appliances and boilers for both residential and commercial buildings….The idea behind this that we should “electrify everything,” because we can generate all the electrons we need with “free” wind and solar.


Cost correction draws more criticism for Murphy’s electrification plan

The Department of Environmental Protection, which is mulling new regulations for boiler permits, said in a rule proposal unveiled in December that electric boilers would cost between 4.2% and 4.9% more to operate than their gas counterparts. But a correction issued by the agency Tuesday said running electric boilers would cost between 4.2 and 4.9 times more than their fossil fuel equivalents.”


Steven Haywood, PowerLine Blog 22 February 2022 “LATEST FROM THE DREAMWORLD OF GREEN ENERGY”