Why Conservatives Should Consider Not Voting Liberal in the Coming Election.

There is no doubt that a Labor/Greens Government would be a disaster for Australia. Nevertheless, conservative voters should seriously consider not voting for the Liberals in the House of Representatives in the coming election.

Liberal Party needs to be voted out, or at least given a huge scare so they learn not to take their core conservative constituency for granted and not to continually betray their base when in government. A resounding loss at the polls may encourage introspection and a realisation the only way to regain and retain government is to build and advocate a conservative and social conservative agenda across all government portfolios.

The lack of differentiation between Liberals and Labor should be a major concern for all conservative Liberal voters. The ‘wets’ in the party have pushed the party so far to the left there is no longer any meaningful difference between Liberal and Labor policy positions. A vote for the Liberal Party means a vote for Labor/Green policies, albeit those policies will be implemented more slowly and with less vigour than under a Labor/Green government.

Associated with this leftward drift is the consistent betrayal of the Liberal Party’s conservative base. As the joke goes, the Liberals are a party of their word, and the word is “Untrustworthy”. For any conservative liberal voter, it seems that the Liberal Party has no principles, believes in nothing, and will fight for nothing. In policy and legislation matters, when push comes to shove the Liberals will sacrifice their conservative base to the slightest pushback from the inner-city elites and the anti-conservative media.

You do not have to look far to find examples.

The Liberals caved to the international and domestic elites on “climate change” and Net Zero and have now adopted the left’s wind and solar energy solutions that will destroy the energy sector, cause blackouts, and impose ruinous energy costs on families and the economy. They had a way out and that was to go nuclear as France and an increasing number of other European countries are going. However, they were too scared of the media and inner-city elites to stand up and fight this solution.

This betrayal on Net Zero is the same as other betrayals on federal and state environmental legislation that prevents or disincentivises development of Australia’s mineral, energy, and agricultural resources. Instead of calling out the climate alarmism and junk science behind much of this legislation they remain silent and do nothing to remove regulatory red tape and or protect develop projects from delays caused by NGO lawfare and vexatious court proceedings.

And the list of betrayals goes on. Despite being in power since 2013 the liberals have failed to reform or defund the ABC despite it being nothing but an anti-conservative propaganda arm of the Greens. Nor have they repealed the offence provisions of Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act. And they failed to pass the Freedom of Religion legislation because the left of the Liberal Party is pandering to the LGBTI lobby and twitter mob.

On current social issues conservatives can feel nothing but betrayal. The Liberal Party supports or is silent on transgender women, that is men, competing in women’s sport. They support or are silent on the division of Australia along racial lines through the constitution recognition of Aboriginals giving them a separate raced based representative body. They support or are silent on the radicalisation of the Australian K-12 education curriculum through the introduction of critical race theory, gender studies and climate alarmism.

A further area where Liberals betray conservatives in their failure in government to support conservative values through the appointment of people likely to support a conservative agenda to government committees, boards, regulating authorities, and cultural and education institutions.

In this respect, on can respect Labor and the Greens but not the Liberals. When Labor and the Greens are in power, they appoint people who support their agenda into these types of positions. They recognise that to effectively change society they need their supporters in as many of the policy, advisory and influence position as possible. When the Liberals are in power, instead of appointing robust conservatives, they appoint the same collection of left wing luuvies, union apparatchiks, social justice and environmental warriors and economic vandals as Greens and Labor would have appointed had they been in power.

Even in the trivial things the Liberals consistently betray their conservative base. They fund the same conservative free arts festivals, literary awards, research grants, cultural events as the Greens and Labor.

So, Conservatives face a huge dilemma in the coming election. Continue to reward the Liberal Party as it moves further and further to the left. In this scenario they hold their noses and vote Liberal out of fear of a Labor/Green government. Or, they vote the Liberals out as both revenge for betrayal and in the hope that a period in opposition will help the Liberal Party come to the realisation that the only way to regain and retain government in the future is to build and advocate a conservative and social conservative agenda across all government portfolios. in this scenario, they vote National, One Nation, Liberal Democrat or United Australia Party.